HER Period Dignity: Youth led non-profit ที่ Innovate ผ้าอนามัย Reusable ช่วยหญิงไทยสู้ Period Poverty

19 Apr 2021

HER Period Dignity

็HER is a youth-led non-profit organization whose mission is to empower women and girls in period poverty through the research and development of high-quality and affordable reusable sanitary products and advocacy for menstrual equity.

What is Period Poverty?

Period Poverty is defined as inadequate access to menstrual products, education, and dignity. This issue affects women and girls worldwide who lack or have limited access to sanitary products or washing facilities and experience shame and/or sanctions due to period stigma and lack of menstrual knowledge.

Designing Thinking
Our team follows Stanford D. School’s Design Thinking Process. Each member of our team works on different aspects of the process that when combined, an abundance of knowledge, understanding, and creativity is generated. Our copywriters are tasked with defining and empathizing, our R&Ds tasked with conducting research and prototyping the product, and our designers tasked with creating beautiful graphics for advocacy.

Reusable Pad Brands’ Samples

In our first meeting, our team looked at different product samples from a variety of brands, both based in Thailand and other countries. Two Thai brands were Sunny Cotton and Little Lou Lou. Little Lou Lou, together with Pixie Pads (an international brand) was the design we based our own pads on.

Hygiene Kits and Additional Resources

In the ideation phase, we have decided to create Hygiene kits that we can distribute to each woman. The hygiene kits will include 3 day pads, 2 night pads, a small bottle of pad detergent, a waterproof carry-bag, an instruction manual, and an educational booklet. Our copywriters are currently working on the educational booklet which will include information about different menstrual-related illness symptoms, FAQs, common concerns, and basic information menstruators should be familiar with.

Why We’d Like to Share our Mission

HER Period Dignity is an initiative founded by a 16-year old female menstruator who suffered from PCOS. After learning that her houseworker did not have access to adequate resources, especially menstrual pads, to handle her menstrual blood, it emphasized how the issue is extremely close-to-home.

Upcoming: Crowdfunding, Kit Donations, & Events

We will be crowdfunding in the upcoming weeks to generate funds to manufacture these hygiene kits, which would include our reusable pad innovation. Kit donations will be given, but not limited to, female prisoners, female refugees, women in Khlong Toei slums, and women in rural areas. We also look to open a pop-up educational site to educate menstruators on the history of period products, as well as raise awareness for period poverty.

Contacts – Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions!

IG: @herperioddignity

FB: HER Period Dignity

Website: coming soon

Founder & Project Manager: Manyasiri (Pear) Chotbunwong

IG: @peary.chot

Tel. +6689-926-5492

Email: [email protected]