Clean Hydrogen
Hydrogen (H2) is a chemical without color and smell that can find in water, plants, animals, etc. It hard to find in as gas, but can produced from resources to get, such as biogas, nuclear power, natural gas and etc.
there are two processing:
steam: creating some CO2 and affect to the environments.
electrolysis: green – no impact for natural and environments.
source: Types of Hydrogen, 2021
Hydrogen Power has many kinds of it and we also know how different base on the color change.
brown hydrogen: This color production by Coal Gasification processing and created CO2 around 16 kilograms per 1 kilogram of hydrogen produced.
grey hydrogen: This color production by steam reforming of natural gas or oil and created CO2 or emit around 9 kilograms per 1 kilogram of hydrogen produced. (low emitting of CO2 and cost of production less than blue and green hydrogen.) It become the main hydrogen production.
blue hydrogen: Using the same processing like grey hydrogen and adapt carbon capture and storage technology for trap CO2. Created CO2 around 3-6 kilograms per 1 kilogram of hydrogen produced.
green hydrogen: This color production from clean energy such as sun light, wind, and water and the cost of this production is higher than other types around 2-3 times, expect in 2030 the cost of production will decrease by up to 60-70%.
source: Woodside
Let’s focus on blue and green hydrogen, when talk about the difference between those kind of hydrogen
blue hydrogen is using two methods: 1. steam methane reformation method for producing hydrogen gas by steam with high temperature and pressure with methane to make hydrogen and carbon monoxide. 2. The Auto thermal reforming or steam with methane to form hydrogen. The method created carbon by production, also used carbon capture & storage for trap carbon up to 90% and renewable energy.
green hydrogen is using electricity for separate or split hydrogen from water (electrolysis) and this method can’t create carbon and harmful. It’s hard to storage the excess electricity, but can be storage hydrogen gas.
Nowadays, hydrogen is already being used in many sectors for industry of metal, aerospace, food industry, pharmaceutical, fuel cell of electric cars and oil refining. Hydrogen is important because its clean and effective than coal because now technology improvement can afford almost companies can production hydrogen without the pollution and reduce GHG emission Meant this is make the world come through the better way for environment and the world.
This article is a part of the class “751447 SEM IN CUR ECON PROB” supervised by Asst. Prof. Napon Hongsakulvasu Faculty of Economics, Chiang Mai University.
This article was written by Sasiprapa Chaikittikhun – 621615062
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